Sunday, October 19, 2008

on old friends

We were surprised today by the grinning faces of two old friends - Jake and Elaine from Calgary Alberta. Jake and Elaine are, perhaps, the generation ahead of us, but during our time in Calgary they were staunch supporters and often a generous, parent - like resource to our family. Every young busy family needs someone just ahead of them to keep the lights on for when times seem dark.
Jake and Elaine met us at our first home in Calgary and brought a car load of food for our pantry. They loved our kids and gave us quirky gifts on special occasions. Elaine's big sunny kitchen was a place familiar to me, the pot of coffee always on. Jake would give me that weird 'I'm old but I'm hip' handshake and talk nonsense and make me laugh.

It takes years to make a friend you've had for years. We've started to make those kinds of friends here. But when someone whose been your friend for 19 years! walks back into your life, it is a big fat smiling moment. That's what happened today.


Lloyd & Sharon said...

What a nice surpise! And a great couple, for sure--they get around these days, now that they are retired. Hope you were able to have a great visit.

I see our car in the parking lot--what else is new??!-- in your photo, in a spot which is now torn up and behind a construction fence!


111 said...

AND your son in law lived in their guestroom during his internship. i have made out on their couch! ha! :)

Marilyn said...

wow - made out on their couch? I won't mention it to them, but I'm sure it wouldn't be a surprise!

Lloyd & Sharon said...

Did you also know Jake is the coolest grandpa on Facebook? (Well, "old guy" grandpa, since Steve and a few other younger grandpas are also found there!)