My office this morning is full of birthday stuff. Birthday balloons, birthday banners, birthday riff raff. Hard to be subtle, but then when am I subtle? I decided to list some of my blessings this morning.
First - I have people. My main person, Big Steve. Who has made me laugh and given me an interesting bicker anytime I needed it for most of my life. BS and I have a tribe of dear little people and lovely big people. And - most important - I don't have ANY lost people. I have all my people in my life. We are all over the world, but we are together.
Second - I have friends. Lifetime friends and this time friends. I am not alone.
Third - I have a life. My work sometimes matters. Sometimes it doesn't, but that is par for the course. I go home to a kind environment that I love to be in. My soul is peaceful and strong. I actually like my life immensely.
Last - and of course, there is much much more - I have hope. I have hope because I honestly do believe there is a God and there are movements in this universe that are beyond me and lavish with meaning. When I wait I am not waiting for Godot. I am waiting for movements of grace, be they whisper small or, rarely - like finding Mark - earth shattering.
So today, with my office full of birthday flotsom, I am smiling and quite okay with having lived more than half a century. Whew!
woot! happy birthday to you! you are good people! xoxo
decorating your office was amazingly spectacular fun! :)
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