Monday, June 21, 2010

joy in small and large packages!

So... I am laughing out loud. This is the best email I have ever gotten, I think. I sometimes get overwhelmed by the seriousness of world issues, politics, environmental problems - all things so far beyond me that I feel the grip of paralysis in my heart. But then one of my young beautiful honest little momma's in my mentoring circle sends me this:

A few weeks ago on your blog you posted that you needed to hear some good news. Here is some:
I had orgasms three days in a row last week. Seriously.
I passed my prospectus defense and now I am ABD.
This is news I thought you would like to celebrate. :)

When we are the 'too serious' about everything we miss the point.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous - not of the ABD but of the orgasms.