You painted such a great picture with your words. I laughed until tears started to flow. Especially when I read the part about the seatmate leaning out into the aisle (putting himself at risk of being run over by one of those snack carts)and your "friend" not being able to control her laughter while looking out the window. So how long did it take you - I mean your "friend" to gain her composure? ;-) Thanks for the laugh. Leslie
It's obvious that it's a comedy, just not that it's YOU! Glad to know I'm not the only stupid one;)
You painted such a great picture with your words. I laughed until tears started to flow. Especially when I read the part about the seatmate leaning out into the aisle (putting himself at risk of being run over by one of those snack carts)and your "friend" not being able to control her laughter while looking out the window. So how long did it take you - I mean your "friend" to gain her composure? ;-)
Thanks for the laugh.
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